Everybody loves pictures The old saying “a picture’s worth 1000 words,” has held true through the ages, yet many small business don’t see the real value of publishing pictures of their products and services. Whether it’s a cleaning service, custom manufacturer, realtor, or provider of very specialized services, a picture of what you do, make […]
I have been on the grid; did you miss me?
The whole social media thing has been social mania for me for the last few weeks. I have to squash so much into my time and still do my job as a “full-time” real estate agent, and all those other niceties of life, like being a good husband. I wonder sometimes what processes I […]
Sifting through the layers
I’ve been siftin’through the layers Of dusty books and faded papers; And they tell a story I used to know, One that happened so long ago. Kate Wolf I was talking with Memphis film maker Willy Bearden the […]