Most of Memphis’ existing historic buildings were built in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Growth moved from the Mississippi River and Downtown westward as the population grew and housing was developed for the newly affluent and middle class in what we now generally call Midtown. If you are considering purchasing an historic home, […]
Historic Memphis in pictures on these must-bookmark websites
The tagline for Historic Memphis reads “You won’t find more vintage-historic Memphis photos, in one place, anywhere else on the internet”. I think web surfers might be hard pressed to prove that statement wrong. There is an excellent collection of pictures and historical background text here, in an easy to access format. Unfortunately, many of […]
Sometimes the best things fall through the cracks
The older I get the more I appreciate history, especially historical pictures. The kind of pictures that end up in drawers somewhere, eventually to be thrown out with the trash. Some folks keep those scraps that tie together generations. If we are lucky, they share their collections. A friend introduced me to last week. […]