We real estate brokers must make it look really easy. Over the very recent years the number of licensed real estate agents in the Memphis Area Association of REALTORS has jumped from around 3000 to over 4800.
There must be some draw to get folks to take the classes, pass the test, pay the fees, pay the ad bills, and brokerage, and keep on going for an average of around 3 sales per year per agent.
The 80/20 rule applies dramatically in this business: 20% of agents do 80% of the business. It follows that 20% of the agents also have 80% of the experience, expertise, and professionalism to get the job done.
I am just getting started with this blog. I would appreciate your comments.
- SOLD – 5555 Quince Rd, Memphis, TN - April 18, 2024
- Memphis Real Estate– 2022 and Predictions for 2023 - January 7, 2023
- 2023 Housing Market Forecast [INFOGRAPHIC] - December 16, 2022
Joe – Great job! Way to be one of the 20% of the agents out there making it happen!